A MESSAGE FROM ADONAL It’s election year again! This November’s election will be absolutely critical for ending the attacks on voting rights. DM is gearing up to ensure that everyone knows what is at stake. Joining with activists everywhere, we’ll register voters and protect our elections, our democracy and our future!
THE DM NATIONAL STUDENT SUMMIT On February 6th, students across the country will meet (virtually) for interactive organizing workshops, great speakers, networking and planning for actions. Join us.
Register Now! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vBqWwtAWhfHdqQ_J9AvyLsXggauEps17VPQjlJSu_Hw/edit?usp=drive_web
QUOTES of the MONTH “ Our great nation now teeters on the brink of a widening abyss. Without immediate action, we are at genuine risk of…losing our precious democracy.” Jimmy Carter
“America’s long-standing grand experiment in democracy is being sorely tested.“ Barack Obama
“This is the moment to defend our democracy.”Joe Biden
MONEY ON MY MIND The Arc of Justice
The ability of a society to defend itself against oppression determines whether the arc of history bends towards justice. A successful defense requires political power. And that power depends on full access to the ballot.
IDEAS of the MONTH Black History & Voting Rights
**Discussions – With speakers, pizza & politics and faculty-student discussions, students explore both the legacy of Black oppression and the power of social movements to fight for voting rights to strengthen democracy.
**Calling Your Senators – With this toll free number to call their Senators, students honor the struggle for voting rights by demanding support for “Fredom to Vote John Lewis Act.” Call 888-345-2551.
**Petition for Democracy – With weekly tabling, students’ petition signatures are urging Congress to support voting rights, end gerrymandering and voter suppression, and stop the attacks on the integrity of our elections.
FACTS YOU CAN USE Economic inequality in America is rapidly increasing. The US Census reports that average income for the richest Americans increased by 25% between 2000 and 2020 (from $218,892 to $273,739).
But for the poorest Americans, the opposite occurred. Their average income actually decreased by 2% (from $15,950 in 2000 to $15,600 in 2020). The average income of the rich today is more than 17 times greater than that of the poor.
Income inequality also separates racial and ethnic groups. The average income of African-Americans in 2020 was $67,595, the lowest of any group. And Hispanic-American income was only slightly higher ($75,193.)
In contrast, Asian Americans ($131,065) and White Americans ($104,754) had the highest average income in 2020.
A healthy democracy requires a population without huge disparities in income and wealth. Persistant economic inequality in the United States violates the promise of equal opportunity and builds dangerous divisions between the rich and poor.