Sage College (Troy, NY) Democracy Matters, led by Megan Paluzzi, has used creative programming to involve hundreds of Sage students. During Covid, DM at Sage initiated a “Politics in Pajamas” series of zoom events with panels of local politicians, faculty, and grassroots political activists discussing voter suppression, local political isues, and more….
The chapter also organized a tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and a training on how to run for political office. They ran a mock election, livened up the Presidential debates with DM Bingo, and Sage DM’s actions, including their sucessful campus voter registration campaigns, were covered by local TV.
Lakeland High School (Wanaque, NJ)
DM leaders Katie Bennorth and Jake Wierer have built a great Lakeland High chapter with a series of “Town Hall Face the Students ” events. Students had a chance to question guests including Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill, DM Exeuctive Director Joan Mandle, and local town Mayors at these events.
The Lakeland DM lobbying subcommittee is using social media, articles in their school newspaper, and letters to the editor in local papers to raise awareness about why Lakeland students support democracy reform with HR1 and S1, “For the People Act.”
“The right to vote is sacred and fundamental. This landmark legislation is urgently needed to protect that right, to safeguard the integrity of our elections, and to repair and strengthen our democracy. It will reform our campaign finance system to amplify the voices of the people — not the powerful.”
Joseph R. Biden, “For The People Act”
Democracy Week April 5-9 The Declaration for American Democracy national coalition is organizing hundreds of events aimed at convincing Senators to vote for landmark democracy legislation, “For The People Act.” (S 1). DM chapters will join actions including virtual lobby visits, twitter “storms,” letters to the editor, chalking, teach-ins, rallies, emails, handwritten letters, phone calls, and more ….
Earth Day April 22 Democracy Matters students will join their campus environment clubs and Environmental Studies departments in celebrating Earth Day. With pro-democracy legislation expanding voting rights and curbing big money in politics, essential action on climate change and environmental protection can finally became a reality. When the people’s voice is heard, real change can happen.
The threat of filibusters by Republican Senators is jeopardizing support for voting rights reform. In this month’s column, Mandle argues that the very fabric of the American electoral system is at stake as many states are in the process of passing voter suppression laws. Only Senate action to change and/or abolish the filibuster can put a halt to these attempts to disenfranchise American citizens. [See more on the filibuster’s impact below.]
THE SENATE FILIBUSTER’S IMPACT Violence Against Women, Democracy, LGBTQIA Rights, & Environment
Concern is mounting as important legislation passed by the House of Representatives heads for the Senate. Examples include bills to safeguard transgender students, help victims of sexual violence, protect the environment, and expand democracy are all likely to face filibusters in the Senate. Those filibusters could doom these and many other landmark bills:
- The Equality Act would implement the most far-reaching LGBTQIA rights in American history. Its amendments to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, for example prohibit state legislation from banning transgender students from participating on sports teams that conform to their gender identity.
- The Violence Against Women Act updates and reauthorizies a 26-year-old law that protects and provides resources for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence, including transgender women. The law expired in 2018, and the GOP Senate refused to vote on it even though it had passed the House of Representatives in 2019.
- The Protecting America’s Wilderness and Public Lands Act conserves 2.7 million acres of wild lands, waters, green space and recreation areas across the country, thus helping to address climate change.
- For the People Act would protect and expand democracy with voting rights reform, with public financing for Congressional campaigns, and by prohibiting partisan gerrymandering,;;
FACTS YOU CAN USE Social Media Lobbying Facebook and Amazon spent record amounts on lobbying last year, with Mark Zuckerberg’s social-media company leading in outlays of $19.7 million last year. Amazon spent $18.5 million; Apple $6.7 million; and Google $8.7 million. In addition, in the last decade Zuckerberg personally contributed $50,000 to the Facebook PAC, and another $50,000 directly to both Republican and Democratic candidates.
The spending has come as Big Tech increasingly finds itself in U.S. lawmakers’ and regulators’ cross hairs on a range of issues, including whether democracy is compatible with the power of Silicon Valley’s companies.