Open Mic & Soap Box Speakout
An outdoor open mic is a sure draw. Set it up in a high traffic area for an hour and put up Democracy Matters banners, balloons, and posters. Have Democracy Matters students give SHORT speeches. Every few minutes ask the audience that gathers to participate. You can ask them questions like: “What do you think Democracy means?” or “How can we get our voice heard in the state house and Washington?” or “How can we lower tuition and make college more affordable?” Invite everyone to give their opinions or ask their own questions. Have Democracy Matters flyers with information to give out to everyone.
A variation is to advertise the open mic as a “STUDENTS SPEAK OUT!” asking students to gather outdoors with the mic and talk about the issues that they care about and are concerned about. In between other students issues, have DM students talk about fair elections and money and politics.
Invite other organizations to speak on their issues, as well as individual students and faculty. Then DMers will show how responses to global warming and other urgent issues are blocked by the role of big private money in political campaigns. Set up your own soapbox and speak out!