Corruption Junction: Match the politician to the scandal!

Everyone loves talking about all the dirty crooks in Washington (or elsewhere!). This training game will help you and your DM members engage in conversation about the most apparent ill effects of special interests.

Goal: The goal of this activity is to further members’ awareness of how politicians have illegally used money.


1) To teach members more money in politics facts.

2) To help members feel comfortable talking to each other about money in politics.


Several pieces of paper (8” by 11” halved)


Blackboard or whiteboard or chart paper (etc.)


Before your meeting

1) Look up several scandals on or other reliable sources.

2) One on half the paper write the name of the politician on the other half the scandal

3) Cut the paper in half.

4) Repeat until there is enough half-papers to give one to each of your members.

At the meeting

1) Give each person one piece of paper (it will either have a scandal or a politician on it).

2) If there is an even number, you do not get one.

3) If there is an odd number, join in the fun!

4) Tell your members that they must get in pairs; matching the politician to the scandal!

5) Give your members about 10 minutes to pair up.

(Tell them to do the best they can!—It’s ok if some folks can’t find their match).

6) After 10 minutes tell everyone to sit down with in their “pairs”

7) If a pair has successfully matched, ask them if they can tell the group anymore details about the scandal.

8) Then, open it up to the group for further discussion/information

9) Help unsuccessful members find their correct pairs.

10) Repeat steps 7-9.

11) Ask someone to take notes on your blackboard (whiteboard or chart paper)

12) Brainstorm as a group how “clean elections” could prevent or limit such scandals!

Alternate Versions:

Likewise, you can also play this game with special interest groups and the amount of money donated to campaigns or political parties.