Democracy Train & Rallies
Bring your message directly to the campus by creating a democracy train, a rally, improv theater or other creative ideas! You want to get attention on campus by doing something unusual!
1. Create a “Democracy Train” of people carrying signs saying Democracy Matters, marching in a line around campus and chanting slogans like “People In and Money out” or “Stop the Billionaire Takeover” or others you create! Have quarter cards to give out as you pass by, with DM information and facts about links between campaign giving and various issues.
2. Organize a “Democracy Rally.” Write a large letter or word for each person to hold, making up a slogan, e.g. “Every Voice Counts;” “Take Back Our Democracy;” etc. and stand together in a visible place on campus. One DM member should hand out quarter cards (see above) to passers by.
3. Create a short skit (see Improv Theater) with funny costumes or signs that illustrates some aspect of money in politics e.g. fat cat corporate donors giving money to and tied to politicians with string, while people with signs identifying them as students, teachers, retirees, etc. try in vain to get the politicians to talk to them. Make up your own short skit! Get students in drama classes or clubs to participate! Hand out the quarter cards to the audience.