Critical Issues Forums
1. Organize a discussion event where students are invited to sit at tables (or in small groups) that they choose, where each table (group) has a big sign with the name of a critical issue (student tuition and debt; climate change; civil rights; mass incarceration; economic inequality; women’s rights, etc. etc.). Each table (group) also has a DM student (or faculty) facilitator who has researched that issue and its ties to money in politics. The discussion then focuses on the issue, its ties to money in politics, and what we as students can do about it!
Providing light snacks is a great idea or even pizza if you can get funding from your campus, or the sociology or political science departments to co-sponsor!
Starting with 1) short quiz or game, or 2) with why each person cares about this issue, or 3) with a quick ice-breaker are all great ideas to begin the discussions!
2. Create a more formal event with a panel of faculty and DM students or students from other clubs participating. Each presenter should talk for 5 minutes about a critical issue they care about and how it could be solved.
At the end a DM student or DM staff member should talk for 5 minutes about how each of these issues is linked to the problem of money in politics and what the audience can do to get big money out of politics and people back in.
You might have a petition to circulate, or suggest that they come to the next DM meeting or have other even easier Action Ideas they can do! Be sure to have sign-in sheets so you can follow up with everyone who attended!