Using the Media
Any publicity you can get through your campus newspaper, radio or TV is great! Articles in the local papers are a good idea, too. Even better is to place a series of linked pieces that are written by different members of the group. When people read the same ideas several times it really sticks with them.
The media is really important. Remember Daniel Schorr’s comment, “If you do not exist in the media, for all practical purposes you do not exist.” Don’t re-invent the wheel. Good sources of information for articles and letters to editors can be found in the Money On My Mind and the Newsroom. This information is there for you to share with others. You can also consult
Campus Newspaper
Writing for the school paper – an article, an opinion piece (op-ed) or a letter to the editor – is a great way to spread the word about money in politics. Also getting on the school radio station or TV station is a great idea. Below are some ideas about how to do that and links to sample op-eds.
NOTE: you need to make contact with your paper or radio folks in person – emails will be ignored!! Just find out when they are there and drop by. Better yet, find someone you know who knows someone on the newspaper or radio and get them to run interference for you! Be prepared. You need to be able to explain about your group, the issue, and exactly what you want to do. You also need to be able to convince them that you will be able to deliver. They are going to be counting on you. Ideas could include:
- Write an op ed that links a current issue to fair elections (see current issues of Money on My Mind for ideas).
- Write a letter to the editor giving information about the campus DM chapter – meetings and contact info.
- Get your newspaper to cover DM events OR offer to write a story for them about what DM is doing (pictures are great, too).
- See if you can get regular space in the paper to do a short “Fact” every week or month (or whatever). Think of a clever title like “Ouch! How Money in Politics Hurts YOU!” put in a “fact” from DM ENews or Open Secrets and also a solution, i.e. come to a DM meeting to help get big money out of politics and people back in!
Click here for sample op-eds that you can use or change to get an article in your school paper about Clean and Fair Elections. You can add or subtract (but don’t add much because editors don’t like long op-eds) and mention what your campus is doing if you want to get specific.
FOLLOW UP with a phone call, a personal visit, etc. to make sure it gets printed!!!
Campus Radio
Offer to be interviewed about what DM is doing on campus or offer a DM Staff person to be interviewed by phone on an important issue – money in politics, environment, cost of higher education, etc.
Offer to do a monthly music and talk show on current political issues.
Campus TV
Offer to be interviewed about what DM is doing on campus.
Maximizing The Media Campaign
Be sure to send URL’s or copies of ALL your published articles to Susan Critton so they can be added to our website archives.
See all the press release/advisories in the downloadable materials section.