Canvassing Rap Sheet
Democracy Matters Rap Sheet (model rap)
This rap sheet is intended for canvassing and talking to folks on and off campus. Feel free to change anything about it that you would like — obviously everyone isn’t doing a petition drive, or holding a rally. People’s responses will vary as well, so be ready with answers to tough questions (see FAQs or Answering the Critics.) The biggest thing to remember is the formula which is: Who we are; The problem; The solution; and What they can do to help. When rapping, KNOW YOUR RAP, be quick but calm, don’t get pulled into a debate, if they aren’t interested move on! Good luck!
DM: Hi, my name is Shawn, I’m with a non-partisan organization here on campus called Democracy Matters, have you heard of us?
S: No
DM: That’s why I’m here; we’re working to get corporate influence out of politics and people back in. Is a democratic society important to you?
S: Well, yeah I guess
DM: You probably know that big special interests like Enron and Verizon, oil and tabacco companies gave over 90% of campaign contributions in 2002. Politicians aren’t listening to citizens like you and me — they’re listening to the big businesses putting $2 billion a year into their pockets. Is this an issue that you care about?
S: $2 billion wow, yeah it sounds important
DM: Here’s how we can fix this. We need Clean Elections; with clean elections that are publicly financed citizens who want to run for office will be able to do so without being rich or dependent on special interests. Those Clean candidates will refuse private money in order to serve us, the public. Did you know they already have a Clean Elections system in Arizona and Maine?
S: No, I didn’t. How can the public afford to pay for politicians campaigns?
DM: Well, I’m sure you know that large companies get billions of dollars a year in tax loopholes. If private influence wasn’t an issue those loopholes could close and that money would go to insuring that the public has a voice.
S: Cool
DM: Yeah, so today I’m out here trying to get people to sign this petition saying that they support clean elections and are concerned about the influence of private money in politics. Can you help me out with a signature?
S: Yeah, sure
DM: Awesome, here you go. It seems like you really care about democracy. Oh one last thing before you go, Democracy Matters is having a rally (meeting, forum etc) to advocate for and inform people about Clean Elections this Saturday, can you come out and show your support?
S: Probably, I have to check my schedule
DM: Great, that would be so cool, just put your contact info on this card and I’ll remind you later in the week. You’ve been such a great help! Here’s a flyer with our website and some more info for you to pass on and I’ll see you Saturday.
S: Thanks.