I’m writing to you three days before one of the most momentous and perhaps most contested elections in the history of our country. We know that our rights, our freedoms, and our democracy itself are on the ballot. I’m proud of the role Democracy Matters has played – registering, educating and mobilizing others to engage, rather than turn away from the fear and political challenges that face us today.
No one can predict this election’s outcome. But no matter what happens, together we’ll continue to amplify the voices of young people, protect and deepen our democracy, and work together to build a fair, just and inclusive future for all.
CAMPUS HIGHLIGHT: Dunwoody High School
Our fantastic new Democracy Matters high schhol club in Dunwoody, Georgia is thriving. Led by Daniel Herrera, DM members have collaborated with the Social Studies Honor Society to offer registration and voting information in every Senior homeroom.
Since September, they’ve also organized a book drive with their Black Student Union, held policy discussions with Georgia’s IDRA director, and planned a movie screening and a trip to the Capitol in Atlanta.
“Voting is the foundation stone of political action.” Martin Luther King, Jr
“Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don’t vote.” George Jean Nathan
Problems Voting? Call the National Protection Hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
November is for Thanksgiving. In Democracy Matters, we give thanks for a country where we can speak our minds and stand up for what we believe in and know is right.
As Adonal reminds us in his remarks above, the critical problems of our day – environment, gun violence, funding higher education, economic inequality, and voting rights, LGBTQ+ and reproductive rights – cry out for on-going political engagement.
With discussion groups, faculty panels, “potty politics” newsletters, political movie screenings, poster campaigns, and influencing their elected officials by letter-writing, petitions and lobbying visits, DM clubs will continue to answer that call.
MONEY ON MY MIND: America Divided!
One of the major sources of Trump’s political strength is support from those with less than a college education. This segment of the American population has for decades tragically experienced declining life expectancy, the most comprehensive measure of economic malaise. Largely ignored by traditional political parties, they have turned to Trump hoping for an end to their deprivation in the midst of affluence.
Read the full article at
FACTS YOU CAN USE: Buying the 2024 Election
An incredible, record-breaking $16 Billion is expected to be spent in this election. And once again it is the wealthy big donors who dominate. By early October, the top 1% of all contributors had given a full 50% of all donated money. In contrast, “small” donations – $200 or less – made up only 16% of the total money raised.
But the ultra-rich’s almost total command of the SuperPac money game is even more shocking. The top 1% of SuperPac donors gave 99% of the 3.5 Billion SuperPac total by early October.
Given this system of funding campaigns, no one should be surprised when government policies like tax and environmental policies favor the rich and our elections look like legalized bribery?