Paid College Interns

Democracy Matters accepts applications for paid internships on college campuses. Our interns build and lead DM chapters on their own campuses. With support and training from DM staff, interns mobilize students to protect and expand American democracy.
DM campus organizing links issues like climate change, racial justice, and student rights to the underlying problems of our broken democracy – voter suppression, the power of big money, gerrymandering, and attacks on elections. Interns become the leaders of today and tomorrow’s successful political reform.
- Build coalitions of student activists on your campus.
- Create a Democracy Matters chapter to creatively engage students, faculty and community activists..
- Organize at least four campaigns/events per semester (see Action Campaigns)
- Receive training and mentoring each week from a Democracy Matter staff member.
- Attend the annual National Democracy Matters Student Summit
- Distribute Democracy Matters materials – banner, flyers, DVD, t-shirt, stickers, and pins.
- Become a campus leader and part of the national coalition for democracy reform.
- $500 per semester if needed or course credit
- Additional financial support for campaign/event expenses
Applicants should have a passionate commitment to social change and some leadership experience. No expertise in campaign finance reform or voting rights is required.

Student Testimonials
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